Who is speaking?

Maria Geir

CEO & Founder Octenticity GmbH

Maria Geir ist the CEO and founder of Octenticity and creator of the mental health app octa-vita.

In the past 20 years she has been working as Senior IT Transformation PM, Agile Coach and in Strategy Development in various IT units of Erste Group. End of 2017 Maria initiated the subinitiative „Erste WIT – Women in IT“ and got awarded with one of the Inspiring Fifty DACH awards for female IT role models in 2019. She is mentor in Club Alpha and VÖSI WOMENinITC ambassador. In 2020 Maria decided to shift her focus towards tech4good and therefore left Erste to found her own mental HealthTech start-up where she combines her passion for IT and people with her skills as certified psycho-social counselor. Apart from developping her app, Maria also consults on Transition Design and works as Executive Coach.