

All Virtual sec4dev 2021 comes with Special Pre Conference Sessions

The 2021 edition of the sec4dev Conference (24-25 Feb´2021) will be composed of live keynotes and pre-recorded talks followed by live Q&A sessions. You will also have the chance to join our experts for deep-dive break-out discussions. We are also inviting you to join one of our three Bootcamps (22-23 Feb´2021).

We are beyond excited to announce two special pre conference sessions:

Security Basics - Get the Basics Down First (Free for Everyone)
Women in IT - Success Stories and Mentoring

Want to contribute? Be sure to submit your proposal until December 20, 2020.
Interested in becoming a partner? Reach out to us at and become part of the family.


Successful Second Edition of sec4dev Conference and Bootcamp


  • 200 participants
  • 18 talks by 23 speakers (10 international speakers)
  • 254 questions to the speakers (via


  • 4 two-day bootcamps
  • 60 participants

A big thanks to all for participating in the sec4dev conference and bootcamp 2020! Due to the constantly growing number of participants at sec4dev and the great interest in our regular security MeetUps, we now reach more than 600 experts, and the trend is rising. Only through the community we can manage to make security an inseparable part of software development, and the figures of sec4dev 2020 make us confident that we are on the right track!

Read up on this year´s highlights!
Read full article
Insights into participants´experience

Take a glance at this years program and impressions!
View this year´s program
View pictures of sec4dev 2020

Stay in touch and become part of the family!
sec4dev LinkedIn
sec4dev Twitter

sec4dev 2021 community closing a strong second edition.
@Picture: SBA Research


Herzschrittmacher sogar mit einem alten Nokia 2210 angreifbar

Tobias Zillner spricht auf der sec4dev 2019 über "potenziell tödliche Schwachstellen".

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Tobias Zillner mit dem Monitor, den er bei der sec4dev-Konferenz gehackt hat.
© Bild: Barbara Wimmer


sec4dev: Die wichtigsten Security-Tipps für Softwareentwickler

Security gleich mitdenken, aus Fehlern anderer lernen, Daten anonymisieren.
Barbara Wimmer (Futurezone) mit einem Überblick über Devise und Eckpfeiler der sec4dev Konferenz.

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Markus Dörfler spricht über DSGVO-konforme Software-Entwicklungs-Pflichten und Haftungsrisiken für Entwickler.
© Bild: SBA Research


First Edition of sec4dev Conference + Bootcamp very successful

3 days, 2 boot camps, 18 speakers, 100+ participants and lots of lessons learned - sec4dev kicks off strong.

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sec4dev community closing a strong first edition.
© Bild: SBA Research


SoftwareentwicklerInnen sollten auch HackerInnen sein

Seit es Software gibt, gibt es Sicherheitslücken - wie sec4dev sichere Softwareentwicklung in den Fokus rücken will.

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v.l.n.r. Thomas Konrad, Stephanie Jakoubi, Yvonne Poul und Julia Pammer vom sec4dev Team.
© Bild: Barbara Wimmer